Saturday, 28 May 2011

What's The Size of Your Brain?

May peace be upon you fellow earthlings.

Have you ever said;

" I wanna be like her. She's so pretty."

" Oh dear, how I wish I could have a rich father like him."

" I'm never gonna be like her. She's so perfect."

" I wish I had my sister's brain"

That's what Mei commented on her friend's FB status. It striked me right on the bullseye. I don't see it as a compliment you know. But I see other things. 


These words came across my mind. You see, Allah is The Most Sublime, The Most Righteous; if I could say it like that. He created us equally. Some might have good looks, some might have big brain. People who have bigger brain: which means clever literally, have bigger responsibility. Most of them ended up being doctors, scientists, chemists, geologists,dentists and so much more. Their job is more like serving to the ummah. Not for themselves. Contribute their work for the sake of mankind. They use the gift that Allah gave to them for OUR sake. Some people may born with intelligent. And some have to work hard to be one.  And some people, are not so bright. No matter how hard they do, they'll never gonna achieve it.
But hey! Be grateful lads! Because you don't have to stay awake late at night studying piles of books, memorising types of diseases, testing chemical substances, designing airplanes, constructing nuclear bombs, etc. You can lead your life leisurely, with less worries.
But remember, every single soul have the same responsibility! You guys are like the roots of the tree. Anchoring the tree stongly to the earth. Without you guys, people with bigger brain cannot do his job well. They need you!!

Don't feel small about yourself just because others are greater than you. Be grateful and live your life to the fullest. You too, can help the ummah in your own way. =)

So, no more   " I wish.."
Stop wishing and face the reality in a positive way. In that way you can be the greatest person in the universe.

The only way for the world to change, is for you to change first. =)

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Empat Baris Yang Bermakna

Ucapan salam dan doa hamba hulurkan.

Empat baris
Penuh makna.

Cantik sungguh bunga melati
Harum mewangi di kala pagi
Andai ragu singgah di hati
Diri menjadi berbelah bagi

Bawa pulang longan sekati
Buat santapan raja sehari
Andai kuturut kata hati
Takut termakan diri sendiri

Ayu si gadis berkebaya nyonya
Pergi ke pekan membeli berangan
Hidup ini banyak pancarobanya
Perlu diredah mengalah jangan

Pahlawan Melaka tiada tertanding
Siapa terlihat menjadi gerun
Jangan gentar pabila bersaing
Langkah disusun rentak dialun

Terbang riang si kunang-kunang
Penghibur hati lepas keringat
Doa bonda pasti kukenang
Laksana azimat pembakar semangat

Rambut disangul disisip melati
Berkain sarung bercincin suasa
Andai jatuh rebah ke bumi
Kata ayahanda jangan dilupa

Bertatah permata hulu belati
Idaman pahlawan Inderagiri
Janganlah duka wahai si hati
Andai engkau tak disayangi lagi

Mati keli terkena tuba
Keli hitam tiada berduri
Usah ditunggu bulan diriba
Kelak nanti merana diri

Tampan teruna keris disisi
Jadi pujaan si gadis sunti
Susah senang sentiasa disisi
Sahabat sejati sukar diganti

Membawa berita mamanda menteri
Dari China terbangnya bayan
Pabila rindu bertakhta di hati
Laksana pungguk rindukan bulan

Hinggap merpati ditepi kali
Terbang bersama si burung nuri
Hasad dihati tiada sekali
Itu amalan tiada terperi

Ayam jantan taji dikaki
Taji keramat senjata diri
Jadilah engkau insan hakiki
Menabur budi pegangan diri

Di anjung rumah duduknya tamu
Sambil bicara kuih dijamu
Wahai insan tenangkan jiwamu
Kemenangan pasti menjadi milikmu

Keliling kota menaiki beca
Cuaca panas makan berangan
Awal wahyu disuruh membaca
Disahut perlu ditinggal jangan

Duduk berehat di bawah sena
Sambil makan ulam pegaga
Jadilah engkau insan durjana
Andai maruah tidak dijaga

Tun Teja serikandi Melaka
Indahnya paras kental jiwanya
Kata Hang Tuah Pahlawan Melaka
Takkan Melayu hilang di dunia

Daun sirih dibasahi embun
Buat hantaran gadis rupawan
Jangan hilang warisan temurun
Bak mutiara di dasar lautan

Nukilan Arina Sukurdin